Crews Called for Two Drowning Victims at Chase Beach

The White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company reported crews were called to Hammerman Area of Gunpowder State Park for two drowning victims on Monday evening.

Two bodies were recovered later by Maryland Natural Department of Resources.

There was an active search and rescue in progress by fire department, police department, life guard, and civilians near East Greenbank Road and the park beach.

The call for rescue was made before 6:30 p.m. The beach is located in the 7200 Block of Grace Quarters Road in Chase.

The WMVFC gave an update around 7 p.m that an unconscious person was brought to the East Greenbank Road shore by a lifeguard.

They later reported the search for the second drowning victim was unsuccessful. The incident is being turned over to Maryland Department of Natural Resources – Natural Resources Police.


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