Councilman Marks “Mohrs Lane Bridge to Open 2027”

Councilman David Marks gave an update on the replacement of the Mohrs Lane Bridge, which is expected to open in 2027. Marks’ statement is below:

Construction of the Mohrs Lane Bridge has been a priority for mine since being elected to serve the White Marsh area.

Please see the latest update on construction. The county anticipates completing the design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental clearances, and advertising for construction in late 2024 or early 2025. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2025, with a completion date of 2027.

I would like to thank County Executive Olszewski and the Department of Public Works and Transportation for their assistance.




B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.