Perry Hall High Student Wins BCPS Film Expo Poster Contest

-photo courtesy of BCPS Flickr page-

Ajit Thapa Magar, a Grade 11 student at Perry Hall High School, was named one of the winners of the 2024 Baltimore County Public Schools Film Expo Poster Contest. Blen Asaminew, a Grade 8 student at Catonsville Middle School, was the other winner.

This year, BCPS students and staff could cast votes to select the winning posters. More than 570 votes were cast for the 11 finalist poster designs. The 11 finalist posters were chosen by the Film Expo Committee from among 70 submitted designs.

The winning posters designed by Thapa Magar and Asaminew will be used to promote the Film Expo, and the student artists will receive printed copies of their posters.

While the poster contest for the Film Expo has concluded, students still have time to submit films to the Film Expo.

The deadline for student film submissions to the Film Expo is Friday, April 12. All middle school and high school students are welcome to enter. More information can be found on the BCPS Film Expo Schoology Group (Access Code: 7CC62-C8M8K) or the Film Expo website. Middle school film categories are animated GIFs (under 30 seconds), live action (45 seconds to 10 minutes), and animation(up to 10 minutes). High school film categories are animated GIFs (under 30 seconds), short-form video (under 45 seconds), live action narrative (up to 10 minutes), experimental (up to 10 minutes), documentary (up to 10 minutes), animation (up to 10 minutes), and promotional videos (up to 10 minutes).

Films selected as finalists will be shown on Thursday, May 16, from 7-9 p.m., at The Senator Theatre, 5904 York Rd., Baltimore 21212. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to this free annual Film Expo event. At the conclusion of the event, both the finalist filmmakers and the winning poster
designers will be honored.

The Film Expo was launched in 2016 when a group of motivated teachers across content areas joined forces with The Education Foundation of BCPS, Inc., the Office of Visual Arts, and the Office of Career and Technical Education. Finalist films from the 2023 film expo can be seen online.

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.