Delegates Arikan, Nawrocki and Szeliga Stand with Israel

District 7 Delegates Lauren Arikan, Ryan Nawrocki and Kathy Szeliga write that they stand with Israel and firmly condemn Hamas

The District 7 Delegates are horrified and disgusted to see the events unfolding in Israel, including in a sister city of Baltimore, Ashkelon, Israel.

The Hamas attacks upon innocent life, including the beheading of dead children and babies, the horrific rape of women, the murder of grandmothers, and the kidnapping of innocent civilians, have all been recorded and live-streamed by Hamas for the world to see.

Hamas, an anti-Israel terrorist organization, credits its namesake to the Hebrew word for violence. These acts and others perpetrated by these terrorists showcase the darkest of evils in this world. The planned attack during a Jewish holiday with the sole purpose of murdering innocent Jews is a continuation of the Nazi regime in modern times.

The Baltimore and Harford Counties Delegates firmly condemn in the strongest terms possible the terrorist states of Hamas and any and all forms of antisemitism. They implore the world and the state of Maryland to stand with Israel.

Delegate Szeliga said, “Having visited the death camps at Auschwitz, it is terrifying to watch another attempt at exterminating the Jewish people in the 21st century. Those who sympathize with Hamas are supporting hate, racism, and evil.”

Delegate Arikan emphasized, “As a mother of young children and a woman of Jewish descent, these war crimes against innocent Jewish men, women, and children must be stopped. The terrorist organization of Hamas should be swiftly wiped from the face of this earth.”

Delegate Nawrocki insisted, “As someone who has family that lived through the atrocities of Nazi Germany, I’m horrified to watch this unfold. Just like during World War II, we as Americans cannot and should not stand for this evil.”

The Delegates extend their deepest condolences to the family members of all the victims of these attacks. They pray for the renewed strength and resolve of the Jewish people as they stare in the face of evil and defend their citizens and country.

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.