Facebook Page Created for Key Bridge Rebuild

The Maryland Transportation Authority announced its created a Facebook page for updates on the Key Bridge Rebuild. Here is the official statement

“MDTA remains steadfast in its commitment to transparency and collaboration, ensuring that all stakeholders, from local communities to industry experts, can actively participate in this critical project.

“To enhance communication and engagement, MDTA has launched the Key Bridge Rebuild Facebook page.
This platform will serve as a vital resource for sharing real-time updates, key milestones and progress reports, providing the public with ongoing insight into the rebuild process and promoting open dialogue. Other communication resources for the Key Bridge Rebuild include: 


• Subscribing to the Key Bridge mailing list.

• Emailing info@keybridgerebuild.com; and

• Calling 800-515-7030.

“As design advances, the MDTA will continue to engage with Marylanders on the future of the bridge.

“Visit KeyBridgeRebuild.com and follow us on Facebook (Key Bridge Rebuild)for Key Bridge Rebuild updates.”