Public Asked to Name New Northeast Middle School

Through two public surveys, the BCPS is giving the public a say in what Baltimore County’s new northeast middle school will be called. The new school will open next fall on King Avenue.

For the first survey, Baltimore County Public Schools will invite the public to submit names for the new school, which is currently under construction in the northeast area. Name nominations will be accepted from Nov. 6 through Nov. 20. Nominations are open to all citizens, including BCPS staff, students, parents, and community members, and nominators may submit more than one name suggestion.

A second survey, from Nov. 28 to Dec. 12, will ask respondents to choose from among the names that were suggested most often. The top vote-getter will be reviewed by BCPS leadership and submitted to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for approval by January 23, 2024.

The first survey will become active on Monday, Nov. 6. The first survey also may be accessed by smartphone beginning on Nov. 6 by using the QR Code at the bottom of this message.

All nominations must meet school system criteria to be eligible for consideration. For example, the Board of Education may name a school after:

• A community, subdivision, or street on which the school is located.

• The geographical location of the school.

• A significant and distinguishable landmark, which can assist in locating the general area of the school.

• A deceased, prominent person who has made an outstanding contribution to Baltimore County, Maryland, or the United States.

Full criteria are contained in Baltimore County Board of Education Policy and Rule 7520 regarding the naming of a new school.

The new, 1,410-seat middle school is scheduled to open to students for the 2024-2025 school year.

Designed to meet the educational needs of one of Baltimore County’s fastest growing areas, the $116.75 million project will provide more than 205,400 square feet of learning space.