Free Anti-Car Theft Software Provided by County in Dundalk

In response to persistent thefts targeting certain Hyundai vehicles without push-button ignitions and immobilizing anti-theft devices, the Baltimore County Police Department is collaborating with Thompson Hyundai and the Precinct-12 Community Police Alliance in hosting a one-day event to provide Baltimore County Hyundai owners whose vehicles are equipped with a standard “turn-key-to-start” ignition with the necessary anti-theft software upgrade. Additionally, steering wheel locks will also be provided.

On Saturday, Oct. 7 from 7  to 11 a.m. and noon to 3:30 p.m., specially trained mobile service technicians will be on-site to install and complete the software upgrade, which should take approximately 20 minutes.

The update will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be no appointments. Thompson Hyundai is located at 1000 Merritt Blvd. in Dundalk.

To see if your vehicle is eligible for the upgrade, please go to the following link