Perry Hall Middle Among New Speed Camera Locations

The Baltimore County Police Department will activate six new speed camera locations in the following five school zones on Monday, March 18.

The only new location in eastern Baltimore County is at Perry Hall Middle School, 4300 block of Ebenezer Road (eastbound)

Other cameras will be installed:

• Lamb of God School, 4400 block of Ridge Avenue (eastbound)

• The Jemicy School, 11200 block of Garrison Forest Road (north and southbound)

• Scotts Branch Elementary School, 3600 block of Rolling Road (northbound)

• Notre Dame Preparatory School, 800 block of Hampton Lane (eastbound)

For the first 30 days, motorists exceeding the speed limit by 12 mph or more will receive warnings rather than citations.

All speed camera zones are marked with signage. In compliance with state law, Baltimore County’s speed cameras operate Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., including during the summer months and on weekdays when school in not in session.

Further information on the use of speed cameras and a list of other locations in Baltimore County can be found on their website.

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