District 7 Budget Town Hall Set for Wednesday, March 13

County Executive John Olszewski and Councilman Todd Crandell will host a District 7 Budget Town Hall on Wednesday, March 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Dundalk Elementary School.

Residents will have the opportunity to share their ideas, priorities, and feedback on the budget Every year, prior to submitting his budget to the County Council for approval, the County Executive hosts town hall meetings in every Council District in order to provide community members an opportunity to provide input into the budget planning process.

The meetings will be held in-person and livestreamed on Baltimore County Government’s YouTube page. Closed captioning and translation services are available on YouTube.

After the County Executive’s budget presentation, attendees are invited to share their ideas and priorities for consideration for Baltimore County’s FY25 budget. As these events are well attended and time is limited, speakers are limited to 90 seconds and participants with similar requests are encouraged to present their priorities together.

Those unable to provide their testimony in-person by the end of their district’s Town Hall may still submit requests for consideration by emailing townhall@baltimorecountymd.gov.

Baltimore County will offer residents opportunities prior to town hall meetings to engage directly with key Department leaders to learn about available resources and to ask individual questions. These Community Cabinet Open Houses will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of each town hall meeting.