“Straight Outta Dundalk” Taking Over Social Media

-from left to right: Joshua Grosscup, Logan Lambert and Finch Flores make music on top of the Boulevard Diner in Dundalk, photo courtesy of Pink Elefants- 

One of the biggest social media stars in Dundalk right now is the Rapping Roofer known as Logan Lambert. His video “Straight Outta Dundalk “has been seen all over social media pages in Dundalk.

Lambert is a Dundalk resident who went to school at Berkshire, Holabird and Patapsco High Center for the Arts. He said he wanted to paint a positive image of his hometown and show how Dundalk is a strong community.

“I love Dundalk and am proud to be from Dundalk. Some people hate on Dundalk, but there is a sense of a “local community” in Dundalk,” Lambert said.

According to Lambert, he wanted to create a high-quality video so he joined forces with Joshua Grosscup and Finch Flores of the musical group Pink Elefants to shoot and produce the video.


The team shot the video around Dundalk landmarks such as the Boulevard Diner, North Point Flea Market, Walmart, Old Dundalk, the intersection of Merritt Boulevard and Holabird/Wise and the corner of Dundalk and Holabird avenues and many more Dundalk hotspots. The video started to explode on social media with over 200,000 views.

There is an iconic scene where Lambert, Grosscup, and Flores are sitting on top of the Boulevard Diner (top picture). Lambert added that the Diner has been very supportive with accommodations, donations and promoting the song on the restaurant’s marquee.

Lambert and Pink Elefants will continue to promote the video as they will march in the Dundalk 4th of July Parade. They plan to give out promotional gifts as they are giving away 300 “Straight Outta Dundalk “ T-shirts on Independence Day.

“The T-shirts costs $2,000 but we were able to raise $3,400 through small donations through the Boulevard Diner, Jimmy’s Seafood and others,” Lambert explained. “We were very lucky to have 13 donors.”

The extra cash raised will go towards bracelets, bumper stickers and two banners for the parade along with other items.

They will also have another special guest as local social media legend Anthony Reed has been invited to join the team in the parade.

Reed is known for listening to his police scanner and giving updates on Dundalk social media pages about breaking news in Dundalk.

Reed enjoyed Lambert’s video as it shows that Dundalk is a great community and he is happy to walk in the parade.

“I never thought i would see myself in the parade. I never knew I was going to be like famous,” Reed said.

“After I went through a difficult hardship in the end of 2018-2022, I thought my life was over. But I overcame it and now look where I am.”

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later Eastcountytimes.com in 2022.