BCPS Budget Meetings in Parkville and Sparrows Point

Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Myriam Rogers (Yarbrough) is hosting “Community Conversations” regarding the development of the BCPS Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget.

Community members are invited to share their ideas on budget priorities and the investments the system should make to provide high-quality public education to every student.

The meetings will be held on the following dates and locations in eastern Baltimore County:

Sparrows Point High School—cafeteria on Thursday, October 12, from 6-7 p.m.

Parkville High School—cafeteria, on Thursday Nov. 9, from 6 – 7 p.m.

Work on the operating budget for the next fiscal year typically begins in the summer, with a preliminary budget estimate completed by early fall.

After considering all requests from BCPS offices and reviewing recommendations from schools, executive leadership, and stakeholder groups, the superintendent submits a proposed budget to the Board of Education in January.

The Board holds public hearings to gather comments and feedback from the community, and then works to finalize their budget proposal, which is submitted to the Baltimore County Executive and the County Council.

The Council also holds a public hearing and approves a budget for the county, which includes BCPS.

The Board approves a final budget for BCPS in May. In addition to the Community Conversations in October and November, the community will be able to learn more about the budget process on a soon-to-be launched “Budget 101” website.

Additional opportunities for involvement will include the Board of Education public hearings.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at each meeting. Interpreting services for other languages are also available upon request at no cost to participants.

Please contact 443- 809-1250 as early as possible to request. In addition to the budget forums, Team BCPS staff, parents, students, and community members are encouraged to complete the FY 25 Budget Priorities Stakeholder Survey.