Baltimore County Councilman Todd Crandell reported the Baltimore County purchased property that will be used for a new Essex library at the corner of Eastern Avenue and Back River Neck Road. Here is his statement;
“Amid the excitement of graduation season, the County Council approved the land purchase for a new Essex Library!
When our office first met Sonia Alcantara-Antoine, the new county library director, she mentioned she was interested in a new Essex library and was looking for a site.
Doug Anderson from my staff remembered the Josenhans Corner property where a few years ago we passed legislation for a retirement living project there.
That project did not work out, but we continued to try to seek a better use for this property.
When Director Alcantara-Antoine expressed her vision, we matched her up with the property owner, negotiations ensued, we kept advocating, and the county has now acquired the land to build a new, modern library.
Thanks to Ms. Alcantara-Antoine for her leadership and the many agencies involved in making this happen. This is a truly exciting and proud moment. Planning and Design on the new library will begin this year.”