Crandell Announces New Essex Library

Baltimore County Councilman Todd Crandell reported the Baltimore County purchased property that will be used for a new Essex library at the corner of Eastern Avenue and Back River Neck Road. Here is his statement;

“Amid the excitement of graduation season, the County Council approved the land purchase for a new Essex Library!

When our office first met Sonia Alcantara-Antoine, the new county library director, she mentioned she was interested in a new Essex library and was looking for a site.

Doug Anderson from my staff remembered the Josenhans Corner property where a few years ago we passed legislation for a retirement living project there.

That project did not work out, but we continued to try to seek a better use for this property.

When Director Alcantara-Antoine expressed her vision, we matched her up with the property owner, negotiations ensued, we kept advocating, and the county has now acquired the land to build a new, modern library.

Thanks to Ms. Alcantara-Antoine for her leadership and the many agencies involved in making this happen. This is a truly exciting and proud moment. Planning and Design on the new library will begin this year.”

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.