County Looking for Fair Election Fund Commission Members

Early Voting in Baltimore County

Baltimore County Government is looking for members to serve on its Fair Election Fund Commission.

The deadline to apply is October 6.

The commission consists of nine members who must be confirmed by the County Council.

The Commission will be responsible for estimating the amount of funding needed during the upcoming 2026 election cycle and making annual recommendations to the County Executive on the level of appropriations needed in each forthcoming budget. Appointees will serve four-year terms.

To be eligible to serve on the Fair Election Fund Commission, individuals must be a resident and registered voter in Baltimore County.

In addition, individuals must not be:

• A candidate for public office in the previous, current or next election cycle

• A Chair or Treasurer of an open campaign account

• An elected or appointed member of a local or State central committee of a political party

• A lobbyist registered with the County or the State

For more information, email Shane Spencer at