Low Levels of Cryptosporidium Found in Water System

Baltimore City announced that low levels of cryptosporidium were found in the Baltimore region water system and some local communities have been impacted.

The local areas impacted are all of Overlea, Fullerton, Parkvilke, Cub Hill, southern Perry Hall neighborhoods along Belair Road and south Carney.

Here is a statement from the City’s DPW:

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) announced that during a routine test of the Druid Lake Reservoir low levels of the microscopic parasite Cryptosporidium were discovered. 

“Cryptosporidium is a microorganism commonly found in lakes and rivers, which can potentially cause gastrointestinal problems, particularly, in those who are immunocompromised, elderly, or children.

“This detection impacts only a portion of the Baltimore region water system, in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County. The affected area is shown in the map below.

“Please rest assured that our drinking water remains safe for the general population. This is not related, or in any way comparable, to previous water-related issues. Residents can use an Interactive Map to determine if they live in an impacted area.  

“Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that can be found in water sources. While it can cause health issues, it’s important to emphasize that the levels detected in our water supply do not pose an immediate health risk to the general public. 

“Cryptosporidium is extremely chlorine tolerant, like systems frequently used at hospitals, so secondary treatment is unlikely to reduce its levels.”

For more information about this case or about Cryptosporidium, go to the Baltimore City website.