Marks Introduces Bill for Perry Hall and Carney Parkland

The following statement was released by 5th District County Councilman David Marks who has introduced legislation to create and protect parkland-

Yesterday, I introduced legislation that will create two new parks and add 68 acres of protected parkland in the Carney and Perry Hall areas—at virtually no expense to taxpayers.

Under my plan, the 68 acres of county-owned land would be reclassified as public parkland, resulting in the creation of a new park along the Seven Courts Drive and Harford Road corridors and expanded parks throughout the area.


We would would create a 14-acre Seven Oaks Park north of the Seven Oaks Senior Center;

About 28 acres of land north of the Honeygo Village Center would be added to Honeygo Regional Park;

We would extend Indian Rock Park from its current terminus at Silver Spring Road along Perry Hall Boulevard near Beaconsfield Road, creating 23 acres of parkland; and

We would create Jennifer Run Park in Carney north and west of the Park-and-Ride at Jomat Avenue (about four acres).

Since Baltimore County already owns the land, there would be no cost except for possible signage.

This is a low-cost way to vastly increase the amount of protected open space in our communities. I first made the recommendations to the County Executive’s staff five years ago. I thank the Perry Hall Improvement Association for its strong support.

The legislation was introduced on May 23rd and will be considered at the Council’s work session on May 28th.

Since 2011, eleven new parks have advanced in areas that have included the Fifth District.