-The following article has been submitted by Councilman David Marks-
The closing of filing for the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process, Baltimore County Councilman David Marks announced that his office has initiated a review of a historic amount of land in the Eastside communities of Kingsville, Perry Hall, White Marsh, and Middle River.
Altogether, Councilman Marks has requested that 3,343 acres be downzoned to as green space under the Neighborhood Commons zoning designation.
The land includes parks, HOA property, and land held by nonprofits, as well as undeveloped federal, state, and county land. Marks authored the legislation that created Neighborhood Commons zoning in 2012, and so far, it has been used to protect more than 4,000 acres of land in Baltimore County.
“By zoning land as Neighborhood Commons, we protect that property as open space in case government ever decides to sell. The zoning would have to be changed, which gives time for the community to respond.” Councilman Marks commented. “I am proud of the work we are doing to create more parks and protect green space throughout the Fifth District.”
Councilman Marks has also initiated a review of private property to make sure that development is compatible with the needs of surrounding communities. That includes 2,151 acres, bringing the total amount considered for downzoning to more than 5,494 acres.
“I am particularly concerned about the potential overdevelopment of land near Bengies Road and along Eastern Avenue,” Marks said. “Growth should be targeted toward the Greenleigh area along White Marsh Boulevard.”
“I applaud Councilman Marks’ efforts to preserve historic Kingsville,” added Judy Beard, who led the fight to make Franklinville a historic district.
“David Marks became our Councilman a year ago,” commented Josh Sines, vice president of the Essex Middle River Civic Council. “He has been a breath of fresh air, and has largely kept his promise to fundamentally change the trajectory of eastern Baltimore County.”
For more information, visit the Baltimore County CZMP Web Site at https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/planning/comprehensive-rezoning. Hearings will be held before both the Planning Board and County Council.