Lawyers From LaFarge Site Seeking Mark’s Constituent Emails

Baltimore County Councilman David Marks is trying to stop a Planned Unit Development (PUD) at the Old LaFarge Quarry site near Earls Road in Middle River and introduced legislation to revoke the project.

The plan is under the development of BC Middle River LLC, and calls for an industrial complex. Marks and other Middle River residents want to provide Baltimore County Public Schools the opportunity to purchase the land for a new school.

Now Marks announced that the lawyers from BC Middle River LLC, have requested a Public Information Act where Marks must hand over all correspondence from constituents on this matter.

Marks said he is upset with this request but must comply. He released the following statement.

“As Councilman, I value your privacy and never release emails or letters that I receive from constituents without their permission. Regrettably, the lawyers and developers associated with the Lafarge Quarry development have filed a Public Information Act request that compels me to release your communications to them.

In my 13 years as Councilman, I cannot ever recall a law firm or developer ever making this request.

It is regrettable that your private emails and letters will now be scoured by those trying to desperately resuscitate this project.

I will continue to do what I think is right – to revoke the resolution that allows the Lafarge Quarry Planned Unit Development to proceed.”

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.