Perry Hall HS Principal Sends Letter About Bullying Incident

Perry Hall High School Principal Craig Reed sent out a letter to parents about the bullying incidents at the high school. Here is a copy that was shared by BCPS Board of Education Chair Julie Henn.

Dear Parents and Guardians of Perry Hall High School,

I am writing to share important information about our efforts to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all Perry Hall High School students. While student privacy laws prevent me from speaking directly to accounts given in recent news stories, I want to state clearly that these stories included inaccurate, incomplete information about how reported incidents of bullying and harassment are handled at our school. We hold our students to the highest standards and take matters of safety, bullying and harassment seriously. I would also like to state unequivocally that the use of weapons or other dangerous items on campus is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Students who violate this rule are subject to serious legal consequences. Any student who endangers the safety of others by acting in a manner that is not representative of our school and community values receives severe consequences aligned with the BCPS Student Handbook (see Code of Conduct and state regulations.

When an incident of bullying and harassment is reported to a staff member or administration, we immediately take the following steps as outlined by Superintendent’s Rule 5580
• Notify parent/guardian of allegations

• Interview the student, witnesses, and alleged offender

• Speak with the parent/guardian of the student and alleged offender

• Review camera/video footage, if applicable

• Assign consequences, as appropriate, aligned to the BCPS Student Handbook

• Send written notices to parent/guardian of the outcome of the investigation

Parents/guardians, we ask for your support in speaking with your children about the importance of treating their peers with kindness and respect. We also ask that you alert us to any potential community issues that may impact the school environment. We are partners in this work and together, we can ensure that Perry Hall High School is a place where all students can thrive. As a reminder, students should report any concerning incidents to an adult. Additionally, parents and students can report any cases of bullying and harassment via the Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation form. (In Focus (login required):

Please contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.

Craig Reed


B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.

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