BCPS Budget Calls for More High School Seats in Dundalk

-photo courtesy of Dundalk High School Twitter page-

Could more high school seats be added to the Dundalk area?

When Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Board of Education approved their capital budget in January, one of the items listed was 717 seats at Dundalk High School for $21,699,000.

Dundalk High School opened less than 10 years ago in August 2013 and quicky became over capacity with the addition of learning cottages. The school is located next to Sollers Point High School, which was also built in 2013 in a separate building.

Eastcountytimes.com contacted Baltimore County Public Schools to determine if expansion was coming to Dundalk High. Charles Herndon of the Office of Communications for Baltimore County Public Schools explained that Dundalk and also Patapsco high schools could see the addition of new seats since there is in a need for more high school seats in the Greater Dundalk community.

“Additions at Patapsco and Dundalk high schools are part of the Southeast High School Initiative to provide much-needed seats on both campuses. Current enrollment projections indicate that seats needed are in the range of 800-1000 for both schools” Herndon wrote in an email to eastcountytimes.com

“We are closely monitoring enrollment trends, and our target for Dundalk High School is in the range of 600-800. Patapsco High School is in the range of 150-250 new seats needed. We will continue to share the progress of both projects with the community as the design proceeds.”

Herndon said there is no timetable and stated it was too early to provide any dates for these future high school projects.

“I can’t tell you precisely where the new seats will go yet, as the addition for Dundalk High School is in the early stages of design and the design of Patapsco High School will be starting soon. We will be sure to keep the school communities up to date,” Herndon explained.

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later Eastcountytimes.com in 2022.

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