Dundalk, Maryland Mentioned on Saturday Night Live

photo and video courtesy of NBC/Saturday Night Live-

Yes. The town of Dundalk, Maryland was on mentioned Saturday Night Live last night.

The NBC late night comedy show had a skit of an actor was telling friends his of list of favorite  Spotify Wrapped  and Satoshi Gutman of Dundalk, Maryland was his top choice.


Satoshi Gutman is a fictional character and Dundalk, Maryland appeared to be a random town that was selected for the skit.

The skit mentioned the fictional character has a podcast that talks about the happenings of Dundalk, Maryland, but there was no mention of these exact Dundalk happening.

Was Gutman’s podcast popular because he had updates on the Key Bridge collapse or were there weekly interviews with all the bands performing at the Dundalk Heritage Fair? Was Dundalk’s Batman Anthony a guest on the podcast?

Again Dundalk was mentioned by name but with no further details

Still a cool shoutout.