Council Approves Purchase of Middle River’s C.P. Crane Plant

The Baltimore County Council approved purchase of 85 acres of the former C.P. Crane plant in Middle River on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

The county will purchase about 85 acres of the site closest to the community, combining it with about 50 acres of county-owned land. Roughly 33 acres will remain privately-owned, and this part will be converted to a battery storage facility that produces minimal traffic for the community.

Councilman David Marks credits Congressman Ruppersberger, Senator J.B. Jennings, Delegates Ryan Nawrocki and Kathy Szeliga as nearly $3 million in federal and state money is available for any improvements, likely to retain a passive nature for the park.

“I would like to thank the Olszewski administration and these state and federal partners for their support,” Councilman David Marks commented.

“This has been an extremely complicated project that unfolded over two years. It has been my highest priority in the Middle River area, and will help create a nearly unbroken chain of green space from Carroll Island to Gunpowder Falls State Park.”