Marks to Block Townhome Rezoning, Ligthten Philadelphia Road Growth

The following press release has been submitted by Fifth District County Councilman David Marks

Baltimore County Councilman David Marks announced today that he will oppose a rezoning request that would have allowed townhomes on Gerst Avenue in Perry Hall (Issue 5-004). The zoning will remain one house per acre (DR 1).

On the Philadelphia Road corridor, he will recommend downzoning the site of the Evans Funeral Chapel to CB (Issue 5-063) and downzoning 95 acres in Issues 5-096, 5-106, and 5-108 to a combination of Neighborhood Commons (DR 1 NC) and one house per acre (DR 1).

“I have consistently said that the overall growth along Philadelphia Road should be limited until an eastbound connection is built from Philadelphia Road to White Marsh Boulevard,” Councilman Marks commented.

“I would like to thank all those neighbors who reached out to me, as well as the Perry Hall Improvement Association and the White Marsh Cowenton Improvement Association for their advocacy and support.”

“On behalf of the White Marsh community, I’d like to thank Councilman Marks for having the foresight and discretion to amend zoning classifications to those which benefit our community,” commented WMCIA President Heather Patti.

“We are once again grateful for his involvement in our community and fully support these changes ”