Northeast BCPS Bus Riders Need to Opt-In for Bus Service

The Baltimore County Public Schools Board of Education announced at their July 12 meeting to increase route efficiency and improve service to families.

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, all students eligible for transportation in the Northeast Area must register for service to and from school.

School principals from participating schools communicated with families via e-mail Friday, July 15, and will follow up directly with families to ensure all students have the opportunity to register.

Families without students attending the Northeast Area schools listed below are not part of the pilot program and do not need to register for transportation for the 2022-2023 school year.

Northeast Area schools were selected for the pilot based on school year 2021-2022 transportation data.

The Office of Transportation will provide regular updates to Team BCPS in our efforts to ensure safe and reliable transportation to families.

School Name

Carney Elementary

Chapel Hill Elementary

Crossroads Center

Eastern Technical High

Elmwood Elementary

Fullerton Elementary

Golden Ring Middle

Gunpowder Elementary

Halstead Academy

Harford Hills Elementary

Honeygo Elementary

Joppa View Elementary

Kingsville Elementary

McCormick Elementary

Oakleigh Elementary

Overlea High

Parkville High

Parkville Middle

Perry Hall Elementary

Perry Hall High

Perry Hall Middle

Pine Grove Elementary

Pine Grove Middle

Red House Run Elementary

Rosedale Center

Rossville Elementary

Seven Oaks Elementary

Shady Spring Elementary

Villa Cresta Elementary

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