BCPS Accepting Applications for Online Learning Program

The BCPS Online Learning Program will begin accepting applications at 1 p.m. on Friday,
November 8, for the 2025-2026 school year.

The Online Learning Program offers fulltime online instruction for students in Grades 4-12. Each school day, from 7:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m., certified BCPS teachers teach courses that fulfill BCPS requirements for promotion and graduation. Any student who is eligible to attend a BCPS school may apply.

The application will be available online and must be submitted by 1 p.m. on Friday, December 13.
Current Online Learning Program students do not need to reapply. Multilingual families can call 443-
809-7398 for application support.

Applicants will be selected for placement through a random lottery process. Applicants will receive email
notification of their admissions status by Friday, January 24, 2025, for elementary and middle school
students and by Friday, March 28, 2025, for high school students.