Kenwood High’s Two-Time Principal of Year is Leaving School

Kenwood High School principal Brian Powell announced that he is leaving the Essex school.

He sent out a letter to Kenwood High families stating that he is leaving the school to take another position. He did not eblorate on his new position.

(RELATED: Perry Hall High principal to leave school)

Powell has had a rememberable time at Kenwood. That included winning principal of the year in both 2020 and this past spring.

“We have created a culture of learning, growth, collaboration and compassion,” Powell wrote in his farewell letter.

“There are not enough words to fully express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to our staff, student and families.”

Vivian Kerner is a Kenwood parent, Booster Board Member and a graduate of the school and said Powell departure is a tough loss for the school.

“He will be greatly missed by the entire Kenwood community. And we are hopeful that his replacement will be as driven and compassionate and he was,” Kerner said to

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.

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