Public Meeting to be Held for 695 Access to 95 ETL

As part of the toll rate range setting process for the I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension and I-695 ramps, the Maryland Transportation Authority Board will hold a third public comment period during its livestreamed meeting Thursday, June 29.

At the meeting, transportation authority staff will present the final toll rate range recommendation to the Board.

The Board will accept additional in-person public comment during the meeting prior to voting on the final toll rate range recommendation.

The I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension project will add nearly 12 miles of express toll lanes to northbound I-95 from the existing Express Toll Lanes at the MD 43 interchange in Baltimore County to north of MD 24 in Harford County, as well as two ramps that connect I-695 to the northbound Express Toll Lanes.

The toll structure for the existing I-95 Express Toll Lanes is not changing as part of this process, and the toll recommendation for the I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension and I-695 ramps is identical to the existing tolling plan.

This safety and congestion relief project includes work to replace or reconstruct bridges and overpasses, provide multi-modal connections such as transit service at the new park and ride lots, reconfigure interchanges at MD 152 and MD 24, construct new noise walls, provide environmental enhancements and system preservation, and various additional work.

The project also will address congestion on MD 24 northbound, resolving a request that’s been a key priority for Harford County for several years.

The Maryland Transportation Authority Board approved a public hearing plan in December, and the agency announced public hearing dates and opened the first public comment period in January. One virtual and two-in-person toll hearings were held in February and March. A second public comment period was held from April 27 to May 11.

Pre-registration is required to comment on the final toll rate range recommendation at the June 29 Board meeting. Those offering comments must attend the meeting in person at the Maryland Transportation Authority, 2310 Broening Highway, Baltimore.

Email or call 410 537-1002 by 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, to pre-register to comment.

The following information will be needed: name, contact number and/or email, and the item(s) on the agenda you would like to speak about. Public comments will be limited to two minutes per person.

Unless otherwise indicated on the MDTA Board Meeting Schedule webpage, the meeting will begin at 9 a.m., though some items may include a closed session that is not open to the public. Anyone planning to attend the Board meeting who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services or accommodations is invited to contact 711 (MD Relay) at least 48 hours in advance.

All comments received will be given equal consideration. The recommended toll rate ranges are available for review at

If you are unable to access the materials online, or if you require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or require language translation services (free of charge), please contact the agency’s Title VI Officer at or at 410-537-6720.

For more information, visit

B.J. Joseph

Benjamin Joesph has covered news in Eastern Baltimore County since 2006. He started as a reporter with the original East County Times in 2006. He started East Baltco News and later in 2022.