Community leaders and members of the White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company dedicated the station’s second medic unit on Tuesday, Oct. 8.
Councilman David Marks attended the event and is happy WMFVC is receiving another medic unit.
“Our office pushed hard for this unit, along with the White Marsh-Cowenton Improvement Association, Senator J.B. Jennings and Delegates Ryan Nawrocki and Kathy Szeliga. Many thanks to those who have supported the station and the County Executive’s office for their support,” Marks said.
“But most importantly, thank you to our volunteer and career firefighters and paramedics here and everywhere for their service.”
The medic unit provides additional emergency services and was, in fact, responding to an incident at the time of the dedication.
“I was honored to participate in an event tonight to welcome White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company’s second medic unit into service. It has actually been in service for several weeks and was actually on a call tonight,” Nawrocki said.
White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company opened it new facility on Philadelphia Road in 2018.