BRRC Reports Passing Results in Local Waterways

Back River Restoration Committee released their results for water quality testing last week.

BRWWTP: 12.2 MPN/100mL✅
Stemmers Run: 151.5 MPN/100mL✅
Millers Island: 4.1 MPN/100mL✅
695 Overpass: 206.4 MPN/100mL✅
Lynch Point: 46.4 MPN/100mL✅
Muddy Gut: 19.9 MPN/100mL✅
Todd Point Lane: 5.1 MPN/100mL✅
Cox’s Point: 9.8 MPN/100mL✅
Wildwood Beach: 1.0 MPN/100mL✅

According to the State of Maryland, it is considered unsafe to come in contact with surface waters with an E. Coli level greater than 235MPN/100mL

“We are THRILLED that the results from this round of water quality testing showed passing results at every single testing location,” said a statement from BRRC.

For more information, visit to see the map of each location tested in Back River.