Greenleigh Members Needed for School Boundary Study

Greenleigh Community Boundary Study

Baltimore County Public Schools is seeking parent and staff volunteers to serve on a committee charged with studying boundary lines affecting the Greenleigh residential development currently under construction between White Marsh and Chase.

The purpose of the Greenleigh boundary study is to realign school boundaries of the Greenleigh development to mitigate potential transportation issues; parent committee members should have children attending either Chase or Vincent Farm elementary schools.

Those interested in participating on the Greenleigh community boundary study committee should complete the Committee Member Interest Form or contact the principal at Chase or Vincent Farm schools.

Two parents and one staff committee member are needed for both the Greenleigh committee.

Those interested in serving on the committee should express interest by Monday, July 15. Committee members will be selected this summer and will convene in September 2024.

Between September and November, the Greenleigh group will meet three times, including the hosting of public information sessions for both studies. In March, April, and May of 2025, the Board of Education of Baltimore County is scheduled to receive committee recommendations, hold public hearings and act on the recommendations.

BCPS provides many ways to stay informed and to advocate for specific concerns as part of the overall process. More information on the role and responsibilities of the boundary study committee members, on how to stay informed throughout the process, and on providing feedback may be found on the Greenleigh Community Boundary Study webpage.

Spanish translation services will be provided at each meeting. Additional translation services will be made available upon request to the Office of Strategic Planning if received at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.